Jason Ticus

Jason Ticus

Jason Ticus is a proud Chicagoan.  He was born in 1980 in Uptown, Chicago where he resided a block away from where his father, grand father, and great grandmother lived and worked.  He is hyperactive, passionate and critical.  In Chicago, Jason Ticus’ Mom worked as a nurse and an artist. His Dad was educated as a physicist and worked with General Electric. He then went to work as a technician for early chemotherapy sessions. Mr. Ticus’ parents traveled the globe for years, finding odd jobs as they went.

Traveling was always a huge aspect of his family life. In fact, his parents were dedicated backpackers since their early years together, getting hitched, and then spending years traveling. The only reason they slowed down for awhile was to have a family and build a home. As soon as Jason Ticus was old enough, it was back on the road again.  Summers were a time when Gary Ticus could pack up the family and head out for a couple weeks at a time. Whether on road trips through the southwest United States or through the back country of the Britsh Isles, the family liked to explore.  Jason Ticus also gained a love of travel.

When his parents came back home, Jason’s father Gary Ticus began work again with his parents, managing the properties established by my great-grandmother.   His family was interested in gaming.  Both Gary Ticus and his wife  played a lot of Dungeons & Dragons.  The family enjoys to read, and they have an extensive library.  Jason Ticus spoke of his father Gary Ticus, who has played with folks at the Irish Heritage Center for decades, and continues to be an active part of the Irish pub and céilí scene in Chicagoland.

Jason Ticus attended school to earn a degree in Cognitive Sciences.  He has gained experience in the fields of global anthropology, field archaeology, cultural conservation efforts and indigenous concerns.  This knowledge fueled Mr. Ticus’ interest in using education and business as a means for preserving and promoting sensitive cultural sites and community resources. Cognitive science (and more specifically Cognitive Anthropology) is the study of how the structure and activity of the cognitive system allows for an interaction with our world, thereby allowing for the formation of a worldview and sense of self. It is essentially a hybrid field of linguistics, neuroscience, AI, philosophy, anthropology and psychology. Jason Ticus would say his background in these fields, as well as his specific familiarity with system dynamics and attention mechanisms are central to his comprehension of cultural identity and social organization.

